
Spaving: A Fine Line Between Savings and Overspending

Businesses regularly rely on sales and other marketing tactics to increase revenues and pad their bottom lines. While these offers might be enticing to consumers, many of these “deals” are just psychological tricks designed to get you to spend more. As online shopping continues to dominate the marketplace, one tactic that is hard to overcome… Learn More 
Unlock Your Dream Summer with a HELOC
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Unlock Your Dream Summer with a HELOC

Summertime is synonymous with fun, relaxation, and making memories. Whether you’re taking an adventure-filled family vacation, hosting epic backyard barbecues, or embarking on spontaneous road trips, the possibilities are endless. There’s only one thing standing between you and your dream summer – finances. All these excursions come with price tags that can add up to… Learn More 

Q3 Newsletter

A Message from your CEO Dear Member, Harry S. Truman said, “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job: it’s a depression when you lose yours.”  The news about the economy and what different economists and other pundits are saying can give you whiplash with differing views and expectations. We know where we currently… Learn More 
How to Perform a Mid-Year Financial Check-In

How to Perform a Mid-Year Financial Check-In

As we approach the midway point of the year, now is the perfect time to perform a quick check-in with your finances. Regularly reviewing your saving and spending habits, and making necessary adjustments, helps ensure you stay on track to meet your financial goals.   In the current economic state of rising prices and inflation… Learn More 
The True Cost of Car Ownership
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The True Cost of Car Ownership

When it comes time to buy a new or pre-owned car, the process is much easier today. You can search vehicles, negotiate prices, estimate trade-in values, and even secure financing without ever leaving the couch. Amidst these conveniences and the excitement of getting a new car, people often overlook certain costs associated with purchasing a… Learn More