
Level Up Your Finances in the New Year

Level Up Your Finances in the New Year

Every New Year’s Eve, people around the globe create resolutions to better themselves in the coming year. Financial matters consistently rank among these top self-improvements. Maybe it’s saving more money, reducing debt, obtaining a higher-paying job, or buying their first home. The desire to improve oneself is admirable because it allows you to reach for… Learn More 
Don’t Lose Your Balance This Holiday Season

Don’t Lose Your Balance This Holiday Season

Amid the holiday hustle and bustle, veering off track with your budget can be easy. There are impromptu parties, last-minute gifts, unexpected travel, and the list goes on. Staying on top of your finances is crucial this time of the year. That’s why we’re revealing some of the best tools to keep your budget in… Learn More 
Fraud Alert: QR Code Scams

Fraud Alert: QR Code Scams

Many technological advancements are designed to simplify your life, providing an added layer of convenience to your everyday tasks. However, with new technology also comes the threat of exploitation by scammers. Unfortunately, this trend has stepped into the world of QR codes – stripping away protections once enjoyed by consumers. QR codes are commonly used… Learn More 
Cash Stuffing: The Envelope Budgeting Method

Cash Stuffing: The Envelope Budgeting Method

Budgeting can seem like a daunting task. With so many methods and theories on how to best budget your money, finding the option that works for you can be challenging. Sometimes, the simplest means is the ideal solution. Enter the Envelope Budgeting Method. Envelope budgeting is a timeless strategy gaining in popularity due to its… Learn More 

Operation Conquer Hunger: MTN OPS and Horizon Credit Union

1 in 4 kids in our local community don’t have food to go home to after school. MTN OPS was created to aid in donating millions of meals to those families across the country. Every purchase from MTN OPS provides a nutritious meal for those families in need. HCU partnered with MTN OPS to help!… Learn More