
Mortgage Closing Costs: A Guide for Homebuyers

Buying a home is one of the greatest investments you’ll make in your lifetime. Aside from the sale price of the home, there are other expenses that many first-time homebuyers tend to overlook, such as... Learn More 

Spaving: A Fine Line Between Savings and Overspending

Businesses regularly rely on sales and other marketing tactics to increase revenues and pad their bottom lines. While these offers might be enticing to consumers, many of these “deals” are just psychological tricks designed to... Learn More 

Q3 Newsletter

A Message from your CEO Dear Member, Harry S. Truman said, “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job: it’s a depression when you lose yours.”  The news about the economy and what different... Learn More 

Q2 Newsletter April

A message from your CEO Dear Member Many of us are emerging from the winter hibernation inside the house and enjoy the spring weather that provides an opportunity to get out and experience the renewal... Learn More 

January Newsletter

A message from your CE0 Dear Member, Happy New Year. I hope your 2024 is starting off well. This has traditionally been a time to reset, refocus or make other adjustments in our lives to... Learn More 

Why We Celebrate International Credit Union Day

Since 1948, credit unions will celebrate International Credit Union Day®. This year it’s on October 19th. Often appearing as the unsung heroes among financial institutions, credit unions use this worldwide event to highlight their commitment... Learn More 

10 Ways for Students to Save on Spring Break

Spring break is a tradition that most students want to add to their college experience. Whether it’s visiting a popular hot spot or exploring someplace off the beaten path, it’s a chance to create fun... Learn More 

October Newsletter

A Message From Your CEO Dear Member, We are excited that the renovation of the Clearfield branch is continuing to move forward. Most of the demolition is completed and we are starting to see the... Learn More